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elisha's Mantle

A prayer to restore true love...

Father, we affirm again our love for You and at the same time confess we have formed a picture of love that has limited our ability to feel and receive Your love in the multitude of ways You express yourself.
We repent and ask Your forgiveness for the smallness of our vision.
We give to You our picture(s) of love. (Name those you know.)
We ask You to cause us to be aware of any others.
We give them to You and ask You to bring them to death—the positive as well as the negative.
We see how we have defiled our spouse, family, friends and coworkers because we could not receive the ways they expressed caring.
We insisted they fit into our molds, not allowing them to be themselves, (Identify those defiled and ways you are aware of defiling them.)
Forgive us, Father, for our idolatry.
Cleanse us with Your love; lift away our false identifications and implant Your vision of love for us.
Open our eyes to see You and each other in new and surprising ways.
Help us to hear Your words of love to us and through one other.
Grant us boldness to say and do the things that will love and bless others, and the courage to go outside our comfort zone to draw nurture from You,
Your creation and those You have placed in our lives to bless us.

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IMPORTANT:These sample prayers are not formulas; rather, they offer ideas and direction. Be led by the Holy Spirit, and use the substance of this prayer as a guide. Also, please acknowledge these prayers as sample narratives, in which gender-exclusive references are used as they would be used in a real situation. For this reason, some prayers are for a female and others for a male. All are interchangeable.

Site Last Updated Saturday, December 30, 2000. 22:58:50